Welcome to InsCipher Academy
Your gateway to Surplus Lines Excellence
Check out what's new from the InsCipher L&D team.
Prepare for success at InsCipher! Understand our mission, navigate the basics, meet your team and learn how your role fits our vision. Get ready to contribute and thrive!
Internal tools and systems training for InsCipher employees.
This course introduces the basics of insurance and surplus lines. You'll learn key concepts, the role of surplus lines brokers, and how InsCipher fits in this industry. Ideal for newcomers to the insurance industry or those refreshing their skills.
Navigate the InsCipher Connect Portal with confidence. Master user roles, e-filing, invoicing, and analytics for enhanced productivity and decision-making.
Not ready for a course yet? Learn about surplus lines with regular tips, news and industry updates - delivered straight to your inbox.
We partner with major brokers, MGAs and industry associations to create and deliver outstanding courses.